General Tips
  • Always think before you throw!!
  • If you have first lead always play the ace of your largest suit.
  • Try to avoid leading a suit that has already been spaded.
  • If it is your lead and you do not have an ace lead a queen to force the ace.
  • Don't over trump your partner, unless you can cover the trick and remember if your partner over trumps you,keep track and count it as one of your tricks.
  • If your partner is going nil always cover the nil first. Don�t let your partner get set because you are worried about bags or getting set.
  • If one of your opponents is nil do not cover their nil. Play under and force the nils� partner to cover.
  • Keep track of what the highest unplayed card in each suit is.
  • If your partner is going nil try to confuse your opponents. If you have a high streak in a suit play the lowest first. Your opponents may believe your partner has the higher ones.
  • When your opponents are trying to bag you, try to over trump the tricks that they bid. This puts you in a position to set them, gets rid of your high cards, and makes them stop throwing off and start worrying about their bid.
  • Advanced Tips

  • When you have the final bid, figure up what the score will be if both parties make their bid.
  • Bid for blind nil when needed. For example, in a game to 250 it would be better going into the last hand down by 100 than down by 50. There is a better chance of winning this way.
  • One example of a good blind nil play: Lets say you have last bid. The other team has bid NIL and 5 : your pard has hinted 2 : Lets say you have 2 or 3 , but an easy hand to throw off.. Well one option is to bid 0 , your opponents will have to cover the nil thus allowing you to throw off your trump cards. The result is they have a lot of bags and you are down by 100 with the blind nil. Many would argue with this kind of strategy.
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